Eldean Eyeson
4 min readJun 19, 2023

The Complex Nature of Human Potential: Exploring the Forces of Good and Evil

Photo by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев on Unsplash

The question of whether humans are inherently good or evil has been a subject of philosophical contemplation and debate for centuries. While some argue that humans are tainted and beyond redemption, others believe in the innate goodness of humanity. There are also those who see good and evil as conflicting forces within individuals.

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Some perceive humans as inherently evil, pointing to the historical evidence of wars, mass destruction, and atrocities committed by individuals and societies. However, this perspective fails to account for the possibility of redemption and growth. Others argue that humans possess an innate goodness that can be realized through self-reflection and aligning with their true selves. They believe that the negative actions of humans stem from false ideas and influences rather than an inherent wickedness.

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Another viewpoint suggests that good and evil are conflicting forces within individuals. This perspective recognizes the internal struggle between the desires and passions that can lead to negative actions and the moral reasoning that guides individuals towards good deeds. However, this binary understanding oversimplifies the complexity of human nature and overlooks the diverse factors that influence human behavior.

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I propose that humans are neither inherently evil nor inherently good, but rather creatures of immense potential,ie they are composed of a potential to ‘be’, hence humans are being. The state of being isn’t a fixed point. Rather, being is a dyanamic outplay of life . Cells are composed of potentials for specific tasks and together the form tissues which has a broader potential for special tasks and so forth and on . Because being itself is in a constant state of flux, humans will continue to change and evolve, undergoing degrees of modification.

This potential is manifested through acts of free will, which allow individuals to choose paths that bend towards either good or evil. Just as humans are full of potential, we can also tap potential in nature. Metal is neither good or bad . But the potential of man can bend metal into a pillar that sustains a structure or a sword that brings death.

Photo by Osama Almadhagi on Unsplash

Just as fire has the potential to bring warmth or destruction depending on its context, humans possess the capacity for both positive and negative actions. It is through conscious choices and personal responsibility that individuals shape their potential and determine their moral trajectory.

The manifestation of good or evil in human behaviour arises from a combination of intrinsic considerations and extrinsic factors. Emotions, desires, and reasons play a significant role in shaping potential. The forces of intention will guide individuals towards certain actions. However, external influences such as upbringing, societal norms, and the impact of one’s environment also contribute to the formation of moral inclinations.

Rituals and discipline serve as crucial agents in shaping human potential. These practices enable individuals to rehearse and refine their potential towards the good. By engaging in rituals and adopting a disciplined lifestyle, individuals can align themselves with concepts and values that foster moral growth and counteract negative inclinations. Religion, despite its historical complexities, has often emphasized the significance of ritual and discipline in shaping human behavior towards goodness.

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To foster the potential towards the good, it is imperative to surround oneself with influences that align with moral values. Choosing what we expose ourselves to, whether it be through the information we consume or the company we keep, significantly impacts the shaping of our potential. A religious lifestyle, understood as a commitment to ritual and discipline, provides a framework for individuals to engage with concepts and practices that promote goodness.

The question of whether humans are fundamentally good or evil is complex. By recognizing the inherent potential within each individual, the interplay of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and the role of ritual and discipline, we can navigate this complexity. Human beings possess the agency to shape their potential towards the path of good or evil through acts of free will. Characterising a being in constant flux is difficult,but by revising our thoughts, we can shed light on what it means to be human.

Eldean Eyeson
Eldean Eyeson

Written by Eldean Eyeson

Just a man with the desire to stimulate conversation

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