Eldean Eyeson
9 min readMar 7, 2021


Fear has a way in which it manifests itself. Fear speaks, and informs even altering the bodies chemistry so it can assume form. Man has known fear since the dawn of time, some will describe fear as mainly a string of chemical reactions in the brain purposely for self-preservation, others theologically hold fear to be a spirit. Whatever you may describe fear to be I am pretty sure you have experienced fear one way or another. You have stories to share. I have felt fear before, I have felt it’s paralytic touch and I know the voice of fear when I hear it. We are all too familiar with this thing called fear.

Life on this planet came to a standstill and by life, I mean the various activities that constitutes life, Corona Virus took the world by surprise and took many precious people from us. Fear gripped everyone, great and small. Suddenly the preciousness and the value of life became more apparent. It was the same time that many people took the opportunity to demonstrate to the world that the whole covid issue was instantiated by the New World Order, their agenda was to decrease the population of the earth and establish a one world Government. I myself received messages from prophets who said that the pandemic was the fulfilment of revelation 12, where the bible mentioned the red dragon. Since the dragon is an icon to the Chinese, it meant that they were the symbol of the dragon. I must say, I was disappointed when I saw such messages. In my head I thought we had grown pass this, people were dying and all we could do was to point fingers blaming this and that., The blame game is a craft honed and mastered by children and the immature because they do not know or perceive the essence of responsibility, so they are quick to point a finger blame one person or another just to establish their innocence. That is the root of all hypocrisy. The idea that the fault lies without and not within. The constant deception that there is a log in our neighbor’s eye because we see clearly.

From blaming the Chinese, people began to project that, the covid vaccines that were being developed had in them chips which that would track people. Others said that the covid vaccines were the mark of the beast and taking it meant that your soul was in the hands of the devil. Funny enough the prognosticators themselves are already rich, having access to medical care not readily available to people and yet we had people swallow their doctrine and began to proselytize the idea. A whole plethora of videos and audios were made to substantiate the claim. some said that the vaccine was a plot by the white man to rid the world of the African race. Videos were posted, people liked and commented their emotions.

Finally, the vaccine is here, and people are still being warned to stay away from the vaccine because it was invented by the shadow cabal in order to kill the African race, others are waiting to see the aftermaths of those vaccinated so they can make up their minds, the last group actually are looking for something negative to happen, so that they can declare “I told you so.” This is where my concern lies. The people who are claiming that God told them that the vaccine is evil are doing a great deal of disservice to the human race. It is as though; God is this evil tyrant who not only allowed the pandemic but is against the vaccine. It is as though God intends to worsen the present human dilemma. “Okay so God told you this and that”. Quick question, what did your God do when folks died? Do you see why people reject the “God of our imaginations?” Do you see why atheist are being spawned day in and out irrespective of preaching and teachings? A God who is stood aloof for a terrible virus to kill the crown of his creation and then when the same people make a vaccine to protect themselves, the same God comes and tells you “that the virus is evil”. If the virus is evil why not present a better option. Do we not see the deception?

Maybe you feel like I am offending you but I am not. And if you are a Christian do not feel my faith is shaky because of what I said. I believe in God, the true God as Jesus revealed him and not this machination of our imaginations. A friend of mine took the vaccine recently, and he happened to video the entire procedure. He uploaded it on his status to encourage people that the vaccine is not evil. The response he got from people was very negative. He mentioned that one lady told him she would walk past him anytime she sees him now that he has the mark of the beast. Friends, we have to grow up from all this. This attitude impedes not only human reasoning but human progress. For how long will we live by conjecture even though the facts are in our face. Wisdom yells at the street, but our ears are packed with so much wax to even hear her when she calls.

Humans have moved from being fragile and helpless in the days of the black plague where there was little or no scientific advancement to an age where a vaccine can be gotten in a year. This is a victory for mankind and we must be glad and thank God for this progress. We are still fragile, but we are making progress. The 20th century was the bloodiest century in history, our failure then has helped forge a path towards making the world a better place. The black plague was said to have been the work of witches and many brilliant women were killed. Today that same voice, the superstitious voice as I call it still lingers, convincing people that they are being tailed by a ghost when in reality, it is their mere shadow.

Would God allow people who are Christians to go take the mark of the beast, assuming it was real? This is the truth; NO MAN IS TRICKED INTO RECEIVING THE MARK OF THE BEAST! To begin with, we have a flawed view understanding of what the mark of the beast is. In the past, we have reechoed sensationalism and accorded the mark of this beast with telegram, bar code, smartphones, television and quiet recently the vaccine, now because many people do not read their bibles, they ignore the verse in Revelation 13:17 that says that no man buys or sells without the mark of the beast. Tell me, what does a vaccinated man have to do with trade and commerce? If we are going to understand the clear teachings of the bible then we must at least get rid of our prejudices. In the ancient world, branding was the way to show ownership or possession, even slaves were branded. The ancient Greeks would often brand the delta (∆) sign. Delta stood for Doulos a slave. Shockingly, the Apostle Paul often referred to himself as Doulos, a bondservant of Christ (we can pick references from the books of Romans). Their marks were branded on their forehead or their right hand. The Slaves were sent to the market to trade or purchase things at the market place. Remember that John the revelator is in a vision and God is using the things that are present within the context of the culture John is in to explain spiritual realities to him.

To approach the text on a literal basis will not yield the proper understanding of God and his communication. The bondservant had only one thing, his allegiance was towards the house that owned him. The Romans also branded thieves and runaway slaves with the letter F (fur) for fugitive. Six hundred threescore and six or six hundred and sixty-six in Greek is rendered as Chi xi stigma. The clue here is the word stigma; which often is translated as mark or a brand on the body. It was the sign that, they belonged to or were the possession of someone higher. They were devotees to their master and organized their life in a way to demonstrate their allegiance to the one they belonged to. Paul being aware of this often referred himself as a bondservant, a man with the mark of the Christ on him (Gal 6:17). He bore the stigma of Christ also. Remember that Revelations 13 stands in contrast to Revelations 7:3 where the believers are sealed with the seal of the lamb. It is not an innovative event, but it is evident in the life of those who have submitted themselves to God as slaves. Through the resurrection of Christ, we have become sons, but we were also bought with a price and such we do not have power over ourselves anymore. In that same vein the mark of the beast is simply those who have devoted their lives to live in the carnal lifestyle. They live and have sold themselves to carnality and the pleasures of this world, they have received the mark of the beast. It is not some vaccine that will make God accept or reject you. What a weak God in my opinion he will be, if a man-made chip was able to stop a man from being able to receive Christ. The carnal mind produces death, the spiritual mind which is the mind of Christ is life and peace. If you as a believer have made the Christ both Lord and savior then you have the mark of servanthood on you. You are also a bond servant of Christ. The same way a man in the flesh is also operating the mark of the beast, he possesses the stigma or the mark in his carnal mind.

Why then do we fear a vaccine, the mRNA technology was started almost 10 years ago; people spent years developing this technology. Today it is this technology which was the foresight of many that has brought us the vaccine. To go around claiming all manner of conspiracy theories and superstition is an insult to those people who have invested their capital and sweat into making this technology. Mankind is still learning but I tell you; God has gifted us with our mind and we will make strides through our collective efforts.

When the telegram was invented, John Darby who was the man who gave us dispensation theology said that “the telegram was the sign of the coming of the beast”, that was two hundred years ago; the said beast has not arrived. Many throughout the years have made the same mistakes, calling and naming all scientific breakthroughs as agents of darkness and so forth. And each time, they heaped up people that were ready to give their life over to such teachings. From all investigations that have been done. Science is not anti- God. Science is the compendium of our understanding of the natural world and how it works. If anything, certain scientist has declared war on God. Scientist in evaluating data; declared that God does not exist. the problem Is that they believe that God is an explanation at the level of mechanism, but God is an agent, a mind. Science is mute on the matters of God; it has defined the natural domain of the physical world that we live in, through the scientist that observed the natural phenomena.

Gradually, we are making progress. Have we made some mistakes in the past? Yes, we have. Have we abused science to further our own lust? Yes, we have. but have we learnt in our mistakes? Of course, Yes. Brilliant men and women are using their mental fortitude to delve and unravel the mysteries of nature and the only thing we do in response is to claim that a cabal intends killing an entire continent. It is disgraceful. Now I am not saying that people do not imagine vain things, they do. The same way certain white hate blacks, certain blacks also hate white men. What does that tell you, the corruption is in each of us if you have ever heard the inventory from the Hebrews Israelites you will understand my point. If you believe that you are going to be fine without the vaccine, that is okay but do not propagate conjecture as truth. If you want to take the vaccine go ahead and do it. Let us learn honor God and our fellow men

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Eldean Eyeson
Eldean Eyeson

Written by Eldean Eyeson

Just a man with the desire to stimulate conversation

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