Finding truth
Selorm had always been a curious young man. He was always eager to explore and learn new things. So when his father gave him the task of retrieving a treasure from a neighboring village, he jumped at the opportunity.
His father gave him a bag of gold and some instructions for the journey. He warned Selorm that he would meet several people who would attempt to sway him from his task. Selorm was determined to stay focused, but he was unprepared for what lay ahead.
As he made his way through the forest, he met an old man who introduced himself as the Spirit of the Age. The old man told Selorm that life was without meaning and purposeless. "If that were true," he said, "then you should live according to the wind, and let it take you wherever it may."
The Spirit of the Age showed Selorm a nearby town, and in it, there was a woman named Babe-lon. "She will treat you very well," the old man said with a sly grin. Selorm was intrigued and started walking towards the village. He was immediately taken by Babe-lon's beauty, and a romantic spark began between them.
But one day, Selorm met Reality, a noble man who reminded him that while we are in this world, responsibility undergirds all endeavors. Selorm responded with a scoff, saying that all was meaningless. Reality simply asked Selorm if the statement "everything is meaningless" was meaningful or meaningless.
Reality then gave Selorm a sword, the sword of truth, and asked Selorm to pierce himself with it. Selorm was reluctant to do so because he thought he would die. But Reality convinced him, promising that he would experience something profound.
When Selorm pierced his heart with the sword, a jolt of pain accompanied with an overwhelming peace overflowed him. Selorm remembered his father and the task he had given him.
Reality then told Selorm to stab his beloved with the sword, promising that he would see her for what she truly was. Selorm was reluctant, but eventually, he agreed.
He stabbed Babe-lon with the sword, and to his horror, she revealed herself to be a hideous creature. At that moment, Selorm heard thunders from the heavens, and a voice said, "Come out of her!"
Selorm was shaken, but he knew what he had to do. He left Babe-lon behind and pursued his father's instructions to retrieve the treasure. He encountered other challenges on his journey, but he stayed focused and determined.
Finally, he arrived at the village where the treasure was supposed to be. To his surprise, he found that the treasure was not a physical object, but a state of mind. His father had sent him on this journey to teach him a valuable lesson: that the greatest treasure was not material wealth but inner peace and enlightenment.
Selorm returned home a changed man, wiser and more mature. He knew that the journey was not just about retrieving the treasure, but about discovering himself and his place in the world.