Akosua was a devout Calvinist who believed that everything that happened in the world was according to God's will. She had preached this for years until the day her child was kidnapped. Her pastors and mentors told her that it was the will of God and that she should accept it. But Akosua struggled with this idea and couldn't reconcile the thought of God decreeing evil.
One day, as she walked by the docks, she met a wise old man who noticed the sadness in her eyes. The old man asked what was troubling her, and Akosua shared her story and her struggle with understanding God's will. The old man listened patiently and then began to speak.
"God is a God of love, Akosua," the old man said. "And He gives us free will. That's why we have the ability to choose right from wrong. We are responsible for our actions, and God is not responsible for the evil in the world. We can't blame God for what we do or what others do."
Akosua nodded, understanding what the old man was saying. "But if God doesn't decree everything, then why do bad things happen to good people?" she asked.
"God doesn't cause bad things to happen, Akosua. We live in a fallen world where people make bad choices. God allows us to face the consequences of our choices, but He also offers us mercy and grace."
The old man then led Akosua in prayer, asking God to have mercy and bring her child back home. After the prayers, Akosua received a phone call from the police. Her daughter had been found.
Overjoyed, Akosua turned around to thank the old man, but he was gone. She went home and hugged her child, feeling a renewal of faith in the nature of God. She realized that God is a God of love who offers us free will, but also provides mercy and grace to help us through the trials of life.